Black on orange illustration of a regal figure on a tree stump teaching a young drummer to read sheet music - Art by Katana Sol

Music Theory 101

FRIDAYS 4:00 - 5:30 PM

Build the foundation of essential skills to thrive as a musician.

Expand your ability to sing, play, write, and jam.

How does music work?

Learn the essential skills needed to thrive as a musician whether you are writing songs, soloing, or playing with friends. With a grounding in how to build and spell chords, navigate scales, and play a song in any key, you will watch your musical horizons widen after learning these lessons! 
As with all Rhapsody programs, these weekly gatherings will center young people and highlight the historical and present-day contributions of musicians who have been systematically marginalized. Instruments are available if you are unable to bring your own!
ari a songster looking at a record in music library at king street station

Build Your Skills in Music Theory 101

artistic wood snare drum graphic

Other tRp programs

Klezmer Jam players sitting in a circle playing music
violin in red wood texture circle

Yiddish Music & Heritage

Immerse yourself in the expressive heritage of Yiddish music.

rhapsody project participants at blues camp
violin in red wood texture circle

Blues Camp

Every summer, spend five days and nights with culture bearers in Port Townsend, WA.

rhapsody instructors playing music
violin in red wood texture circle

Professional Development

Self-awareness programs for teachers and facilitators.