joe and jed with songsters sunset

Get Involved

Fun ways for families + grown folks to join us!

When you join The Rhapsody Project community, you commit to helping us build a multi-generational community of people, each of whom works steadily to explore the cultures that they embody.

artistic wood snare drum graphic

There are many ways for families or people to contribute

The most impactful way to get involved is to take any of the following steps:

artistic trumpet musical instrument graphic

Become a Rhapsody Resonator.

Making a monthly or annual financial donation helps us sustain our organization and demonstrates your commitment to join and engage with our community!

Download and study our Layers of Heritage workbook.

This allows you and/or your family to do the essential, personal work that will equip you to become more creative, to move equitably through any space, and to embody the values of our community.

Enroll in one of our programs virtually or in person.

We recommend that you start with our Face the Music program, but there are many entry points. 

Bring our Professional Development programs to your organization.

We have designed these programs to serve all types of organizations that are seeking to go beyond the box-checking versions of what’s currently termed “DEI trainings” and do the essential work of establishing an internal culture that fosters a sense of belonging and possibility for people of any identity or culture.

Here are a few of the invaluable ways that volunteers help us grow and thrive. Please note that we expect volunteers to do the work outlined in the Layers of Heritage workbook and enroll in Face the Music so that we can ensure that they are ready and capable of upholding our values in maintaining brave spaces that foster a sense of belonging.

Feel free to contact us if you have other ideas about how you would like to contribute beyond those outlined below:

  • Promotion & Outreach Support: We seek volunteers to promote the tRp on social media, at community events and shows.
  • Demonstrate Our Impact: Both writing testimonials about what you’ve gained from our programs and community, or auditing active programs and taking notes (when students consent) is massively helpful for our organization’s development.
  • tRp Council Members: We seek experienced board members with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Youth Mentorship, Board Development, Community-Centric Fundraising, Sustainability Planning, and Volunteer Management.
  • Become a Resonator (Monthly Donation): Your recurring gift—of any amount—amplifies the work of the Rhapsody Project!
  • In-Kind Donations: We’re always looking for stringed instruments that are either lightly used or in good condition. You can schedule an appointment and bring them to our Workshop at King Street Station.
  • Fundraising: We’re always looking for people who can support us financially. We week fundraising volunteers to organize and participate in fundraising campaigns. This could range from a volunteer drive to posting your support on social media.

Follow us on social media (and signal boost our posts) and videos to stay updated on our latest projects, events, and volunteer opportunities!

Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter and never miss an update! Get the latest news, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and culture-bearer stories delivered straight to your inbox!

Explore other areas of tRp

jed teachinig a class pointing at a whiteboard
guitar head in green wood texture circle

Our People

Meet the multi-talented team behind The Rhapsody Project.

jed playing guitar and music with students in classroom
guitar in orange wood texture circle

Our Model

We’re a multi-generational community that celebrates music and heritage through an anti-racist lens.

the rhapsody workshop at king street station
violin in red wood texture circle

Our Space

Centering Seattle’s BIPOC youth, visit The Rhapsody Workshop at King Street Station.