a black man playing guitar and performing on stage at event

Our Partners

tRp partners help us explore cultural heritage across the Pacific Northwest.

The Rhapsody Project partners help us explore cultural heritage at festivals, schools, and community centers across the Pacific Northwest. As annual hosts for our program’s Songster students, each partner creates more opportunities to study with culture bearers and perform live.

jed teachinig a class pointing at a whiteboard
guitar head in green wood texture circle

Our People

Meet the multi-talented team behind The Rhapsody Project.

jed playing guitar and music with students in classroom
guitar in orange wood texture circle

Our Model

We’re a multi-generational community that celebrates music and heritage through an anti-racist lens.

the rhapsody workshop at king street station
violin in red wood texture circle

Our Space

Centering Seattle’s BIPOC youth, visit The Rhapsody Workshop at King Street Station.