Joe Seamons headshot

Joe Seamons

Structural leadership team, operations focus​ and co-founder

Joe is a musician and teacher who co-founded tRp with Ben Hunter in 2013. Through exploring his local heritage of Pacific Northwest folk music and lore, and the troubled history of prejudice therein, Joe’s work as a songster and teacher fused with his commitment to agitate for social justice.

A descendant of the Aurora Colony in Oregon, Joe continues to explore the ways in which his personal heritage connects him to the legacy of that region. In shedding light on the songs and stories that have been preserved, as well as those that have been forgotten or suppressed, Joe works with his partners in the Rhapsody Project to harness the power of roots music to create empathy and equity.

When he’s not performing with Ben Hunter, Joe plays with his Portland-based band Timberbound.